Healthcare in Europe, Eliseo Iannini: “comparison between cross-border models to innovate southern Italy”

L’Aquila 13 February 2024 – With the co-decision procedure, the European Parliament jointly with the Council, the Council and the Commission adopt regulations and directives, take decisions and formulate recommendations or opinions (art. 249 of the European Union Treaty). Numerous regulatory acts concern public health and have the aim of guaranteeing a high level of protection of human health, pursuant to art. 152 of the EU Treaty.

Unlike regulations and decisions, community directives require an act of transposition for the necessary adaptation to Italian law. To this end, at the beginning of each year, a bill is presented to Parliament containing provisions for the fulfillment of the obligations deriving from Italy’s membership of the European Communities, the so-called Community Law.

There are various community directives considered to be of cross-border health interest with indication of the status, the procedure for transposition into national law and the transposition rule. The European Union contributes to improving public health through the provision of important funding and legislation in the fight against cross-border health threats, innovative medicines, patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, disease prevention and general health promotion .

“These days – explains Eliseo Iannini – as a team we are analyzing the directives implemented by the EU over the last few years. In addition to this, a careful comparative analysis must be carried out between the different healthcare models of the states belonging to the European community. The healthcare sector is a challenge that we must overcome for the protection of everyone, in the Italian case the regions specifically also have many autonomous powers both in organizational, regulatory and spending terms. The increasingly evident critical issues are known in terms of long waiting lists and the organization of many healthcare companies and hospital complexes. Our monitoring specifically concerns this aspect: drawing up precise lists of the main critical issues found in the regions of the southern constituency, for example Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria. To such beauty of these places that we all envy, we must match the ability to highlight what doesn’t work, but by corresponding adequate proposals for implementing solutions. The role of the European Parliamentarian is to create “bridges” connecting Regions, Ministries (in this case of Health), and with the European Council which defines priorities and strategies, and the Council of the European Union which exercises legislative functions and budget.

In order to operate well, the first thing – continues Eliseo Iannini – is to know the operational mechanisms in detail, in order to then benefit from them for our territories. Returning to healthcare, the comparison between models is essential to make corrections, but above all innovation is needed. With the advent of generative artificial intelligence today, medicine is making exponential progress, we too, our southern regions therefore have the opportunity to improve themselves and become true excellences in their own small way. It’s not easy, but we must set ourselves this and many other objectives.”

Then there are a series of aspects that concern, for example, the healthcare that can be enjoyed in EU states, little-known aspects, and certainly an increase in information is needed on this topic. And among the objectives of the entrepreneur Eliseo Iannini, candidate for the 2024 European elections in the ranks of Forza Italia for the regions of Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Puglia and Calabria, there is precisely that of establishing a specific observatory for the regions of the electoral college . “Because – explains Iannini – it is right to give answers starting from where trust is placed, with the extension of benefits then everywhere”.

The inputs that Iannini launches are already very clear, and for those who have been able to achieve corporate productivity, generate employment, 360° development in the Italian territory, these are not promises, but nothing more than reality.

In addition to these prerogatives – concludes Eliseo Iannini – it is also necessary to take into account and interact in macro-regional modes such as new strengthened forms of governance of the European Union with member states belonging to a territorial area and with the participation of non-European states in which synergies are promoted By eliminating discrimination of all kinds, healthcare needs discussion and opening its doors. The south of Italy, also in relation to the high flow of tourism that sees it as a protagonist, has the sacrosanct right to see public health improve”.

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